The Mysterious Copy of Minecraft

One day I was playing Xbox with a friend Tamar, who told me a mysterious story about when she left her copy of Minecraft in her Xbox.She was at her gramma's house when she realized she left her Xbox on.She started to freak out because she knew the fan was going to over heat.When she got home as expected the green light was on indacating the console was on.She decided to play and turned on the TV when to her suprise she was at the Minecraft menu when she left it on the Xbox 360 Dashboard.She played and noticed a white figure in the air just floating.She checked the players list and saw a name saying "             ".2 days later she booted up her console and instead of being greeted by the Xbox 360 Dashboard she was greeted in one of her worlds in Minecraft.She immediately quit the game and ejected the disc.What lies inside the disc remains unknown.
But it's just a game it can't hurt anyone....……Or can it?